The Overseas Chinese
This series concerns the fate of refugees in China's State-Run Farms in Southern and South-Eastern China. These villages and farms are populated by refugees from various conflicts and tragedies, but the majority are from the political upheaval and purgings of Indonesia that saw some 500,000 slaughtered and the invasion of Vietnam from China in retaliation to Vietnam's invasion of Cambodia. I hope to touch upon the questions of how refugees are affected through various treatment decades after being initially placed. Why are some communities struggling yet others thrive? What are the unique struggles and challenges that they face? I believe they provide insights on the effects of such treatments in communities in general, not just those of refugees in China. It should be noted that much of my family on my father's side were placed in these farms after having fled Vietnam, I have made an effort to not include them in this project in part because the fact that they have left these farms and integrated themselves into Chinese society puts them beyond the scope of this project.